Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes

(Dibenion Gwaed y Groes)
  Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes
    Erioed am ddim i'r llawr;
  Ni phrofwyd angeu loes
    Heb rhyw ddybenion mawr!
A dyna oedd ei amcan Ef -
Ein dwyn o'r byd
      i deyrnas nef.

  Wel bellach tyr'd yn mlaen,
    Nac ofna f'enaid mwy;
  Llai grym sy'n uffern dân
    Na dwyfol farwol glwy';
Mae'r gwaed, mae'r gwaed dywalltodd Ef
Yn ucha'i bris o fewn y nef.

  Mae'r orsedd wen yn rhydd,
    Aeth magdalen yn mlaen;
  Manasse hefyd sydd
    Yn seinio'r nefol gân:
Mi glywa'r sŵn, sŵn peraidd yw,
Am ddwyfol, nefol waed fy Nuw.

  Dystewch, elynion mwy,
    Rhowch le tua phen fy nhaith;
  Chwi roisoch i mi glwy'
    Disymwth lawer gwaith!
Y' mlaen, y' mlaen, mae'm trysor drud,
Tu hwnt i derfyn eitha'r byd.

              - - - - -

  Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes
    Erioed am ddim i'r llawr;
  Ni phrofwyd angeu loes
    Heb rhyw ddybenion mawr!
A dyna oedd ei amcan Ef -
Ein dwyn o'r byd
      i deyrnas nef.

  N'ād imi garu mwy
    Y pechod drwg ei ryw -
  Y pechod roddodd glwy'
    I 'Mhrynwr, O fy Nuw!
N'ād imi garu dim ond Ti
O'r ddae'r i
      eitha'r nefoedd fry.

            - - - - -

Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes
    Erioed am ddim i'r llawr;
  'Ddyoddefwyd angeu loes
    Heb rhyw ddybenion mawr:
A dyna oedd ei amcan Ef,
Ein dwyn o'r byd
      i deyrnas nef.

  Mae defnyn bach o'i waed,
    Yn drymach yn y nef,
  Na'r pechod mwya ' gaed
    A'i holl euogrwydd ef;
Gwrandewir llais y dwyfol glwy,
O flaen eu damniol floeddiad hwy.

  Noddfa pechadur trist,
    Dan bob drylliedig friw,
  A phwys euogrwydd llym,
    Yn unig yw fy Nuw;
'Does enw i'w gael, o dan y nef,
Yn unig ond ei enw Ef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
    Alexandria (alaw Almaenaidd)
    Alun (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
    Beverley (Salmydd 1791)
    Gwladus (alaw Gymreig)

    Distewch elynion mwy
    Dysgleiria fore wawr
    Fy Iesu yw fy Nuw
    Mae dafn bach o waed
    Mae lluoedd maith yn mlaen
    Ni phery ddim yn hir
    O nefol addfwyn Oen
    Wel ymgysura'n awr

(The Purposes of the Blood of the Cross)
  The blood of the cross was not shed
    Ever for nothing to the ground;
  The throes of death were not experienced
    Without any great purposes!
And that was His intention -
To bring us from the world
      to the kingdom of heaven.

  See, henceforth come onward,
    Nor fear any more, my soul,
  Less is the force in hell fire
    Than a divine mortal wound;
The blood, the blood that He shed
Is of higher worth within heaven.

  The white throne is accessible,
    Magdalen went forwards;
  Manasseh also is
    Sounding the heavenly song:
I hear the sound, a sweet sound it is,
About the divine, heavenly blood of my God.

  Be silent, enemies, henceforth,
    Give way towards my journey's end;
  Ye gave me a wound
    Suddenly many times!
Onward, onward, my dear treasure is
Beyond the furthest border of the world.

                 - - - - -

  The blood of the cross was never shed
    For nothing to the ground;
  The throes of death was not experienced
    Without any kind of great purpose!
And that was His aim -
To lead us from the world
      to the kingdom of heaven.

  Do not let me love any more
    The sin of an evil kind -
  The sin which gave a wound
    To my Redeemer, O my God!
Do not let me love anything but Thee
From the earth
      to the extremity of heaven above.

                 - - - - -

  The blood of the cross was never shed
    For nothing to the ground;
  The throes of death were not suffered
    Without some great purpose:
And that was his aim,
To lead us from the world
      to the kingdom of heaven.

  A small drop of his blood is
    Weightier in heaven,
  Than the greatest sin found
    And all its guilt;
To be heard is the divine wound's voice,
Before their condemnatory shout.
  The refuge of a sad sinner,
    Under every broken bruise,
  And the weight of keen guilt,
    Is my God alone;
No name is to be got, under heaven,
But his name alone.
tr. 2014,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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